I'm about to start training for a half-marathon and am wondering if there is any way to prevent shin splints from returning. I ran track in high school (I just finished my freshman year of college), and first experienced shin splints my sophomore year. They never really went away until the summer after high school. This past school year, I started running longer distances. At the beginning of the year, I could feel my shins splints coming back, and a few weeks later, they were full blown, and even stopped me about halfway through an 8K once. I took roughly two months off and tried to stay in shape by cycling, etc. A friend and I have decided to train for a half-marathon in December. Our official "training" starts soon. Is there any training regimen I should follow to prevent my shin splints from recurring?



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Alex, there is absolutely something you should do; start walking right now! Walking first before running will begin the conditioning and hardening process of the bones and soft tissue necessary for half-marathon training.

"Shin splints" is a diagnosis referring to a specific injury located in one or both of the calf bones, the tibia or the fibula. They typically occur in one of three locations and are referred to by their location: posterior tibial syndrome, tibial stress syndrome, or medial tibial stress syndrome. Shin splints are thought to be related to excessive ankle pronation, excessive shock to the bone that results in injury, or excessive activity of the soleus muscle of the calf. Runners may be able to train through the early stages of this injury, but if the injury progresses, running becomes intolerable and may even result in a stress fracture. On the other hand, shin splints sometimes clear up on their own in about three months' time, which possibly related to the amount of time it takes the bones to adapt to the physical stress of running.

In order to prevent your shin splints from returning, you need to determine their cause. For that, you probably need the help of a sports medicine professional like a sports-oriented podiatrist, orthopedist, or a physical therapist to assist you. While there are many causes of shin splints, the good news is that they can be corrected.

Biomechanical issues such as overpronation, overstriding, or high arches can be rectified with the right shoes, stretching and/or strengthening exercise, or perhaps orthotics. Another cause of shin splints is often related to muscle strength imbalances between the anterior (front) and posterior (back) muscles of the lower leg occur because running develops the strength in the posterior lower leg muscles more than the anterior ones. Strengthening the anterior lower leg muscles reduces some of the stress on the target area. To work the anterior leg muscle, known as tibialis anterior, do some toe taps. Raise the ball of your foot off the ground, keeping your heel on the ground; this is the "up" phase of tapping your foot, you will feel and see this anterior muscle contract. Release. Do several repetitions, holding it at the top of the movement for 10-15 seconds. This muscle will fatigue rather quickly, so repeat this exercise several times a day.

Improper training is another common cause of shin splints. Increasing mileage too quickly, insufficient warm ups, or too much speedwork are potential problems. I suggest you find a training plan that allows you to run three days a week on alternate days and one that builds mileage very gradually, like 10 percent per week, known as the "10 percent rule." Also, consider using walk breaks mixed in with your running. The run/walk method may be the best one for you, at least initially, while you build mileage and adapt to training. Cross train two or three days a week for added aerobic conditioning by doing non-impact activities that are easy on your shins like swimming, cycling, or spinning. Always take at least one day a week completely off—even two days wouldn't hurt you!

Stretching the calf muscles correctly is key. There are two different ways you should stretch your calf muscles, one with the knee locked and the other one is with the knee bent. A locked knee stretches the gastrocnemius, the most superficial calf muscle, and a bent knee stretches the soleus muscle, which lies deeper than the gastrocnemius. You may need to slightly elevate the ball of your foot with something like a rolled-up hand towel to get a more intense stretch.

When you complete your runs, ice your shins immediately to prevent or reduce any irritation or inflammation. You can do a full-on ice bath or fill a small paper cup with water, freeze it, and rub the cup on the affected area in a circular motion for 10 to 20 minutes.

Best wishes with your training!

Susan Paul, MS

Susan Paul has coached more than 2,000 runners and is an exercise physiologist and program director for the Orlando Track Shack Foundation. For more information, visit www.trackshack.com.

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Susan Paul

Susan Paul has coached more than 2,000 runners and is an exercise physiologist and program director for the Orlando Track Shack Foundation. For more information, visit www.trackshack.com.