Whether you’re running outside or just hitting the treadmill, good music can often make the difference between a rave run and a blown goal. That’s why we’re putting together 90-minute playlists each month chock-full of songs with enough of a beat to keep you moving. For even more tunes, check out our list of the best running songs.

When it comes to running, we’re mostly thinking about going fast. Running faster is how you’ll win the race, and it’s most certainly how you hit your next PR. But, what if running fast is not always in your best interest? For just as there’s a time to pick up the pace, there’s also a time to slow things down, and for those times, you'll need slow running songs.

As we head into the dog days of summer and start to prepare for those fall races (marathons, half marathons, 10Ks, and 5Ks) dedicating time for slow runs can be just as beneficial as fast runs. Just think, if you push yourself too hard, it can lead to injury, which will inevitably slow you down or sideline you before your event. This is why working nice relaxed slow runs into your schedule can be just what the doctor ordered. Dare I even go out on a limb and say, sometimes a walk without running at all can be rejuvenating as well?

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For August I’ve put together a running playlist that is full of slow songs, so you can cruise along. Enjoy life outside of the fast lane—your legs will thank you for giving them a rest and your ears for these dulcet tones.

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This content is imported from Third party. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Headshot of Matthew Huff
Matthew Huff

Matthew Huff is a freelance writer and runner, and he is the author of MARATHONER: What to Expect When Training for and Running a Marathon, published by Rizzoli Publications. His writing has appeared in Runner's World and BuzzFeed among others, and he is the cohost of “P.S. You’re Wrong: A Pop Culture Podcast.” Originally from Michigan, he now lives and runs in New York City, where he is pursuing a career as an expert chicken tender taster.